Location: 7 Joseph Crescent, Deception Bay
News and Events
7 Oct 2023: Welcome back Shorebirds to Deception Bay
REF Environmental ran a community event at the "Hub" to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day on the 7 October 2023. A big thank you to all the volunteers that helped to set up the day. As well as information, craft sessions and kid's activities, 2 guided walks were held along the foreshore.
The event was well-attended, particularly the guided walks. Bob Crudgington, Keith Christiansen and long-time local Viv Tucker shared information about the tidal flats, their importance of the flats to local wildlife including fish as well as our international visitors, as well as snippets of local history. Participants were able to observe newly arrived migratory birds including Bar-tailed Godwits, local non-migratory birds including a "bank" of black swans (estimated to be over 150 individuals)!
At the hub the community and families were invited to participate in a number of activities including Flock Oz with Betina Nissen, how to draw a cartoon curlew with Damian Castellini, postcards with Kerry Livingston and a presentation on Ramsar by Bob Crudgington. REF Environmental also provided drinks and a sausage sizzle for everyone and a big thank you to Chris from Cafe Bancroft for providing hot beverages!
So a big thank you to our volunteers from REF as well as from our friends at the Australian Conservation Foundation, Community Bayside.
The event was well-attended, particularly the guided walks. Bob Crudgington, Keith Christiansen and long-time local Viv Tucker shared information about the tidal flats, their importance of the flats to local wildlife including fish as well as our international visitors, as well as snippets of local history. Participants were able to observe newly arrived migratory birds including Bar-tailed Godwits, local non-migratory birds including a "bank" of black swans (estimated to be over 150 individuals)!
At the hub the community and families were invited to participate in a number of activities including Flock Oz with Betina Nissen, how to draw a cartoon curlew with Damian Castellini, postcards with Kerry Livingston and a presentation on Ramsar by Bob Crudgington. REF Environmental also provided drinks and a sausage sizzle for everyone and a big thank you to Chris from Cafe Bancroft for providing hot beverages!
So a big thank you to our volunteers from REF as well as from our friends at the Australian Conservation Foundation, Community Bayside.
26 September 2023 Restrictive weeds with Alex Collins
Members of REF Environmental had a real education on some of the restricted invasive weeds. Alex Collins from the Moreton Bay Regional Council outlined some of the problematic weeds in our region, their impacts on various habitats and some of the strategies being employed by the council to limit them. In particular, some of the weeds associated with our waterways are problematic as there are limitations to any chemical treatments that are safe to use in these sensitive environments. A great educational experience and we are all glad to have people like Alex working to maintain our natural assets.
26 July 2023: World Mangrove Day
Bob Crudgington provided a presentation on our local Mangroves in celebration of World Mangrove Day. Globally there is over 145,000 km2 od mangrove forest across the sub-tropics and tropical coastlines. Within Moreton Bay, there are 8 species of Mangroves including 6 species within the immediate vicinity of the Deception Bay Hub. Bob provided images and videos of mangroves and some of the local fauna associated with this important habitat. Mangroves provide great services to us including sheltering from storm surges, improving water quality entering the bay, providing habitat for various birds, acting as a nursery site for fishes and crustaceans and storing atmospheric carbon.
19 July 2023: Wongam Gully Koala Project
The Pine Rivers Catchment Association have been working in the upper catchment for decades and coordinate projects designed to prevent erosion as well as improve the quality of the water entering Moreton Bay. Mitch Peake is a project officer for Pine Rivers Catchment Association and is managing an exciting project designed to connect koala habitat with a semi-urban area. The project involves restoring council-owned blocks of land through intensive weeding and planting of significant koala trees (associated with the former ecology of the region). Mitch also highlighted the value of developing ownership amongst the community and residents.
10 June 2023: Ramsar Workshop
With support from Healthy Land and Water, the National Landcare Program (Federal Government) and REF Environmental, a community workshop was facilitated by Bob Crudgington. Participants from various environmental groups across Southeast Queensland attended and collaborated on group activities reinforcing the design of restoration projects for Ramsar wetlands. Topics included information about the Ramsar convention, the application of Ramsar criteria with a focus on Moreton Bay, the ecology of various wetlands in Moreton Bay, Case studies and the application to project design. The workshop was well received by participants who demonstrated skills and knowledge and tips for conducting restoration in variious wetlands.
7 June 2023: Bush tucker and eatable weeds!
REF's Bushcare officer provided our members with an experience, tasting various endemic plants (bush tucker) as well as some of the exotic weeds we find within our environment. It was an entertaining experience for everyone involved.
31 May 2023: Eco-gardening and insectivores
As part of the REF Environnmental Program hub night, veterinary nurse Emily Ray provided members with a presentation on insectivores such as Tobias the Tawny Frogmouth and the damage some of our lawn care is causing them. As well discussing the impact of pesticides used for lawn care on our wildlife, Emily provided some tips for an eco-friendly and sustainable approach to gardening including lawn care. We would also like to thank Damian Castellini for his brilliant artwork promoting "Tobias the Tawny Frogmouth".
17 May 2023: Getting to know our local koalas
Long-time committee member, Therese Hollan has been personally involved in koala care and rescue for many years as well as an avid photographer of the fauna and flora in our region. Therese highlighted the plight of our local koalas as well as discussed the wonderful work carried out by our local koala volunteer groups. Importantly, she was also able to provide us with some insights into the personalities of some of the koala "characters" she has interacted with over the years.
12 March 2023: Marine Turtles Stranding Workshop
On Sunday, REF Inc hosted a Marine Turtles Stranding Workshop for volunteers from around South-East Queensland. Julia Zivanovic from the Sea Turtle Foundation facilitated the workshop with assistance from Holly West (Turtles in Trouble Rescue) and DES Moreton Bay rangers, Natalie Sands and Owen. Presenters drew on their expertise and provided the participants with information on the monitoring program, StrandNet as well as information on marine turtles and tips for volunteers on rescuing a turtle to collecting valuable information on marine strandings used by DES to manage and mitigate the risks to our endangered marine turtles. There were also some excellent learning activities including team work on local turtle stranding scenarios and practice at harnessing a turtle rescue and collecting accurate data for use by managers and researchers. Participants included volunteers from Redlands Wildlife Ambulance, BIEPA and REF Inc as well as staff from the Moreton Bay Regional Council. A special thank you to some of our local volunteers from REF's "Turtles of Moreton Bay" including Susie Bedford, Mike Croft, Zyanna Dwyer, Phil Plant and Sylvianne Quin-Wright.
4 March 2023: Native Plants Queensland "gathering"
Native Plants Queensland and the President of the Pine Rivers Branch, Lawrie Smith hired the Deception Bay Hub in order to host a "gathering". Attended by over 50 members of the organisation, they enjoyed updates on the organisation in Queensland. Some great learning resources were provided by the organisers along with presentations provided by Lawrie on the history of the Deception Bay and surrounds, Bob Crudgington on the ecology and flora and fauna of the Moreton Bay wetlands and Bob Bannon on native plants associated with the local region. Many patrons also went on a shoreline walk and a mangrove tour. A successful and engaging day and Lawrie thanked all including members of REF:
"Thank you for everything you did to make today's event so successful. Your venue is perfect for an event like today. Many of our members said how much they enjoyed finding Deception Bay for the first time. We really appreciate your involvement, which made the day proceed so smoothly."
Cheers Lawrie
"Thank you for everything you did to make today's event so successful. Your venue is perfect for an event like today. Many of our members said how much they enjoyed finding Deception Bay for the first time. We really appreciate your involvement, which made the day proceed so smoothly."
Cheers Lawrie
2 February 2023: World Wetland Day
Healthy land and Water hosted a "World Wetland Day" at the Deception Bay Environmental hub. Extremely warm conditions and over 80 participants certainly tested the new facility. Highlights of the day included "Welcome to Country" by Uncle Mick Douglas representing the traditional owners of the land, the Gubbi Gubbi. He also provided background information on the indigenous history of the lands as well as some insights into how they "Care for Country". During the day over 15 presentations were made covering the work of the Ramsar Network and the projects conducted by researchers and various community groups and agencies. From fish in the mangroves to shellfish restoration, shorebirds, habitat restoration and managing soil erosion in pineapple plantations, there was valuable information for everybody. Thanks again to Healthy Land and Water and the National Landcare Program for supporting all this important work.
18th January 2023
Kicking off the new year with REF's first event of 2023, The Turtles of Moreton Bay Information night. Everyone learnt about the battle of the Blood Fluke parasite that's infecting our sea turtles, conservation, rehabilitation programs, the importance of protecting our beaches for laying turtles and so much more. Thank you again to our guest speakers Dylan Richard Corner (Ph D researcher at UQ), Diane Oxenford from BIEPA’s and Susie Bedford “Turtle Program at Ningaloo”. We want to express a special thanks to 10 year old Eden Bielby who helped raise money for our turtle rescue program! Her passion is truly inspiring and great to see the younger members of our community jumping in to help spread awareness. With over 40 people attending the evening, they are looking forward to the next "environmental information night.
7th December 2022
The Moreton Bay Regional Council hosted an end of year workshop for "Land for Wildlife" at the Deception Bay Environmental Hub. Over 30 staff from the councils of South-East Queensland attended the event to review their practices and the work carried out during the year. It was also an opportunity for many of them to check out the new facility and the amazing surrounds including Deception Bay itself.
16th November 2022: Koala Crusaders 10th Anniversary
The Queensland Koala Crusaders celebrated their 10th Anniversary at the Deception Bay Hub. What an achievement for this community organisation, which has been a "voice for the koala" through advocacy and projects, which enhance the quality of koala habitat. A dedicated team of volunteers put the evening program together including guest speakers and presentations, catering and entertainment to celebrate the people and the conservation of our koalas.
4th November 2022: Official opening
On Friday 4th November, REF held an official opening for the new hub and with over 60 guests the new facility was put to the test! Apart from a chance for members and partners to celebrate the opening of the new facility, the evening provided an opportunity for us to acknowledge the ongoing work of REF's volunteers over the past 16 years as well as provide a chance to thank our many partners including the Moreton Bay Regional Council and other community groups and organisations including the Moreton Bay Foundation, Pine Rivers Catchment Association, Healthy Land and Water, Birds Queensland and our friends at Rotary. There were also representatives from our koala community including the Queensland Koala Crusaders and Moreton Bay Koala Rescue.
25th October 2022: Chamber of Commerce meeting
The Redcliffe Chamber of Commerce conducted a meeting at the Deception Bay Environmental Hub providing opportunities for local businesses to network with other business owners and find out the latest information from the Moreton Bay Regional Council. Mayor, Peter Flannery providing some insights into the development of the Deception Bay Facility from its inception 10 years ago to the construction of the facility (stage one). Mayor Flanery also discussed the advantages of our polycentric region with various hubs becoming a City Council in order to get better access to State and Federal Funding. He also provided an overview of some of the strategies the Council had in place to support small businesses across the region as well as conducting a "Q & A" with attendees. Topics included "Moreton Money" and an innovative new analysis tool for businesses "Ask Morty".
A big thank you to the Chamber of Commerce for hiring the facility as well as the Moreton Bay Regional Council for supporting our new community endeavour. It was a great opportunity to see the facilities in use.
A big thank you to the Chamber of Commerce for hiring the facility as well as the Moreton Bay Regional Council for supporting our new community endeavour. It was a great opportunity to see the facilities in use.
16th October 2022: Bushcare Day
On Sunday morning over 20 volunteers turned up at the Deception Bay Environmental Hub, in order to tackle some of the weeds adjacent to the site. Led by Jasper Johnson we targeted weeds in the adjacent wetlands including broad-leafed pepper, asparagus fern, mile-a-minute and mother of millions and umbrella trees. The removal or treatment of invasive weeds will improve the quality of the wetland environment and assist the local flora and fauna living in the buffer zone of Deception Bay. A big thank you to all our volunteers and the Moreton Bay Regional Council.
25th September 2022: REF Meet our neighbours' day
On Sunday the 25th of September, REF invited a number of our local residents to check out the progress in fitting out the hub. It was a successful morning with some great discussions and exchanges of ideas. The next public event will be a Bushcare day on the 16th of October 2022, when we will be targeting some of the weeds in the adjacent area to the hub. It will also be another chance to engage with our local community over a cup of tea.
12th August 2022: The Deception Bay Environmental Hub has officially been handed over to the Redcliffe Environmental Forum Inc.
On the 12th August 2022, the Redcliffe Environmental Forum Inc commenced a lease with the Moreton Bay Regional Council covering the building including a meeting place, a canteen and a deck area overlooking the shores of Deception Bay. REF would especially like to acknowledge the work of Mayor Peter Flannery and Chris Whiting MP who commenced working on this project over ten years ago. REF would also like to thank the work of local Councillor Sandra Ruck and the staff of the Moreton Bay Regional Council for completing the project.
REF to commence fit-out of facility
REF Inc will commence the fitout of the building including the provision of furniture for the meeting place and provide audio-visual equipment for environmental workshops, seminars and information events. REF Inc will also start to develop interpretative resources highlighting the local environment, flora and fauna as well as the history and culture of Deception Bay and the Moreton Bay Region. The canteen will also be fitted out to allow for catering at events and meetings. There are exciting times ahead for REF Inc, our members and partners and the wonderful community at Deception Bay and the Moreton Bay Region. As we fitout the facility, we will endeavour to keep people updated on progress via this website and through our REF social media platforms including our Facebook Page at Redcliffe Environmental Forum | Facebook